The offices of Anwim S.A. were the venue of an event to collect school supplies such as rulers, paint sets, Plasticine sets, felt-up pens, paper fasteners, bookmarks, compasses, rubbers and other articles children need in the classroom. The Piękne Anioły (Beautiful Angels) Association works to help children living in particularly difficult conditions. We want to make their lives more colourful and more enjoyable and therefore have joined the Angels go to school! campaign, which is run every August.
How can you help the Piękne Anioły (Beautiful Angels) Association?
You can pay 1% of your income tax to the association. To do so, please enter the association's KRS number (0000459857) in your tax return.
All donations are welcome. The bank account for payments is 94 1240 4605 1111 0010 5095 4747 (PKO SA). Follow and like the Piękne Anioły (Beautiful Angels) Association on Facebook!